If you’re strolling through the mall under Holt Renfrew on Bloor Street W, Toronto, do drop in to say hello to the artists whose work is on show at the Collective 131 gallery opposite the lower level Holts entrance. One of them will be there to guide you through the collection and perhaps introduce you to new works that would look perfect in your home or office. MarkĀ Gleberzon (pictured above) was at the helm the day FLY dropped in and he was hard at work completing more small works for his upcoming US shows. Mark loves creating unique artworks from beautiful Barbie and Marilyn photos, as well as other pop art subjects. Other artists include Morgan Jones, Vanessa Drew, Amey Lai, Todd Monk, Kari Serrao, Adrienne Jackson and J&J Photo Art.
There’s a stunning, impactful portrait of Biggy Smalls for the hippest of art collectors….
as well as fun works for the comic book hero in all of us!
There are works for all contemporary art lovers….
…and FLY was intrigued with the soft, fluffy toques and greeting cards for those lacking in wall space!
FLY gives Collective 131 Gallery 4 wings up! You can find the artists at 50 Bloor St West, lower level.